the contents of pvnmldfluxna.mat are area 1x88 704 double lat 1x180 1440 double pvbfinmld 365x1 2920 double pvwsinmld 365x1 2920 double tst 4-D 467667200 double vlat 1x88 704 double vlon 1x91 728 double xfac 1x1 8 double area is an area area for the north atlantic lat is the latitude, lat(vlat) is for the north atlantic pvbfinmld is the climatological buoyant pv flux based on nmld mixed layer depth climatology pvwsinmld is the climatological stress pv flux based on nmld mixed layer depth climatology - should match the other stress climatology tst is the north atlantic sst data xfac is the conversion factor to W/m^2.