the contents of pvfluxna.mat were generated by the script pvfluxna.m the contents of pvfluxna.mat are pvbfedwannclim 88x91 64064 double pvbfedwdailyclim 365x88x91 23383360 double pvbfedwsclim 88x91 64064 double pvbfedwwclim 88x91 64064 double pvbfmask 4-D 467667200 double pvbft 4-D 467667200 double pvwsedwannclim 88x91 64064 double pvwsedwdailyclim 365x88x91 23383360 double pvwsedwsclim 88x91 64064 double pvwsedwwclim 88x91 64064 double pvwsmask 4-D 467667200 double pvwst 4-D 467667200 double tst 4-D 467667200 double vlat 1x88 704 double vlon 1x91 728 double these are various measures of the pv flux for the north atlantic vlat is the latitude range of the data vlon is the longitude range of the data tst is the sst data for the north atlantic, 20 year data from 1988 to 2007 pvbft is the buoyancy pv flux data for the north atlantic, 20 year data from 1988 to 2007 pvwst is the stress pv flux data for the north atlantic, 20 year data from 1988 to 2007 pvbfmask is the masked, edw buoyancy pv flux data for the north atlantic, 20 year data pvwsmask is the masked, edw stress pv flux data for the north atlantic, 20 year data pvbfedwdailyclim is the daily bouyancy pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic the array is 365,88,91 pvwsedwdailyclim is the daily stress pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic the array is 365,88,91 pvbfedwannclim is the annual buoyancy flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic the array is 88,91 pvwsedwannclim is the annual stress flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic the array is 88,91 pvbfedwwclim is the DJA buoyancy pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic pvwdedwwclim is the DJA stress pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic pvbfedswclim is the JJA buoyancy pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic pvwdedswclim is the JJA stress pv flux climatology of the edw for the north atlantic